Father’s Day Ideas for the Man Who Has It All
Father’s Day Ideas for the Man Who Has It All
Father’s Day is the perfect day to recognize Dad. Maybe he taught you how to change a tire, catch a fish, throw a football or introduced you to some amazing music from his day. Either way, he always lends his support, listens, makes you laugh with his dad jokes and is always there for you.
Finding the perfect gift to thank him for all he’s done can be tough. You want to honor and recognize him, but what if he's the kind of guy that already has pretty much everything?
Here are a few meaningful ideas that will show Dad just how much you love and appreciate him!
1. Join your Dad in his favorite hobby or pastime, whether its fishing, golf, laser-tag, bowling, etc.
2. Cook his favorite meal—or cook the meal together, but you do the dishes!
3. Go on a hike or bicycle ride
4. Go to his favorite sporting event
5. Visit a historic site
6. Go camping
7. Go to the movies - your Dad’s pick!
8. Make Dad a playlist based on his favorite songs from his younger years
9. Try a new activity together, like Axe throwing, go-cart racing or laser tag
10. Give Dad the day off and take care of his chores, like taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, cleaning out shed, yardwork, etc
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